172 research outputs found

    Figurative Language Analysis of the Poetry “I Want” by Sapardi Djoko Damono

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    The aim of this research was to analyze the poetry by Sapardi Djoko Damono on the title “I Want” with a figurative language method. The type of this research was descriptive qualitative and took the data by note of the poetry.  The data was collected and analyzed by taking several phrases of the poetry. The results of the figurative language analysis of the poem "I Want" which was written in 1989 has the theme of love and was written by Sapardi Djoko Damono. Written with the meaning of a love that is really simple, knowing the true meaning using the figurative language method, along with the discussion. Therefore it could be concluded that the meaning of the poetry is closely related to the theme of love which conveys the poet's desire to love his lover sincerely and lovingly, not about conveying sweet and great words through real actions

    Semiotic Analysis of the Poetry “I Want” by Sapardi Djoko Damono

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    The aim of this research was to analyze the poetry by Sapardi Djoko Damono on the title “I Want” with a semiotic method. The type of this research was descriptive qualitative and took the data by note of the poetry.  The data was collected and analyzed by taking several phrases of the poetry. The results of the semiotic analysis of the poem "I Want" which was written in 1989 has the theme of love and was written by Sapardi Djoko Damono. Written with the meaning of a love that is really simple, knowing the true meaning using the semiotic method, along with the discussion. Therefore it could be concluded that the meaning of the poetry is closely related to the theme of love which conveys the poet's desire to love his lover sincerely and lovingly, not about conveying sweet and great words through real actions


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    ABSTRAK Aktivitas ground handling bandara Ahmad Yani Semarang adalah aktivitas penting yang dilakukan dalam kegiatan penerbangan pesawat. Dan merupakan bagian yang berperan penting terhadap keselamatan penerbangan. Petugas ground handling, khusunya petugas apron bertanggung jawab melakukan persiapan sebelum take off ataupun pada saat landing. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kondisi temperatur, berat badan pekerja dan tingkat beban kerja pekerja, mengetahui pengaruh temperatur, berat badan dan tingkat beban kerja terhadap denyut nadi 51 pekerja apron baik secara simultan ataupun individual dan menentukan faktor yang paling berpengaruh terhadap denyut nadi. Pengujian pengaruh hubungan variabel-variabel independen (temperatur lingkungan kerja, berat badan, tingkat beban kerja) terhadap denyut nadi dilakukan dengan menggunkan uji regresi berganda, uji t dan uji F. Persamaan regresi yang diperoleh adalah Ĺ· = 141,062 - 1,452 x1 - 0,697 x2 + 11,681 x3. Berdasarkan uji t dan uji f yang telah dilakukan semua variabel independen mempunyai pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap variabel dependen baik secara simultan ataupun secara individual. Hasil perhitungan koefisien determinasi menunjukkan bahwa temperatur lingkungan mempunyai koefisien R 0,18, berat badan 0,17 dan faktor tingkat beban kerja 0,424.Hal ini berarti bahwa tingkat beban kerja paling berpengaruh terhadap denyut nadi pekerja apron Bandara Ahmad Yani Semarang. ABSTRACT Ground handling activities Ahmad Yani airport in Semarang is an important activity carried out in the aircraft flight activity. And a part that is vital to the safety of flight. Ground handling officers, especially officers responsible apron preparation before the flight (take off) or at landing. This study aims to determine the conditions of temperature, body weight and level of workload workers, determine the effect of temperature, body weight and level of workload on the pulse of 51 workers apron either simultaneously or individually. Testing the influence of the independent variables relationship (work environment temperature, body weight, level of workload) of the pulse is done by using multiple regression test, t test and F test Obtained regression equation is Y = 141.062 - 1.452 x1 - 0.697 x2 +11.68 x3. Based on the t test and f test that has been done all the independent variables have a significant influence on the dependent variable either simultaneously or individually. Results of calculation of the coefficient of determination indicates that environmental temperature has a coefficient R 0.18, 0.17 weight factor and 0.424 level workload. This means that the level of workload the most influence on the pulse of the apron workers Ahmad Yani Airport in Semarang

    Detection of Lysteria monocytogenes in Frozen Meatballs Using Real-Time PCR

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    Detection of pathogenic bacteria Listeria monocytogenes in processed food products of frozen meatballs is one of the critical test parameters in product quality testing. The challenge in testing product quality is how to find a reliable and effective test method to generate test results data. With this research, it is hoped that it can provide information or references for similar research. The method used in this research is the enrichment method with a direct isolation technique and amplification using real-time PCR. Data analysis was carried out based on 2 main criteria which included: (1) Ct analysis (Cycle threshold) and (2) melting temperature (Tm) analysis. From the results of the analysis using real-time PCR, the results of the tested samples were detected at Ct 11.60 with a Tm value of 81.50. For NTC control not detected, this indicates that the master mix used is in good condition and no contamination occurred when testing the sample. The use of this NTC control plays an important role in monitoring the quality of the master mic and test run. For the LOD control and positive control, the results were detected, whereas in the LOD control, the Ct value was detected at 10.08 and the Tm value was at 81.30. for positive control, the value of Ct was detected at 10.85 and the value of Tm was at 82.0. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that the test method used can detect Listeria monocytogenes in processed meat products in the form of frozen meatballs

    Path Analysis Method to Identify Factors Affecting Consumer Interest on Online Shopping

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    Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Agama, 2016. Penelitian ini membahas mengenai Peran Guru dan Sekolah dalam Pembiasaan Sholat Berjamaah Siswa Kelas VIII di Madrasah Tsanawiyah Galur Kulon Progo. Penelitian ini merupakan jenis penelitian lapangan dengan menggunakan metode kualitatif. Penelitian ini menggunakan purposive sampling dengan subyek kepala madrasah, guru agama dan guru umum, serta siswa kelas VIII yang berjumlah delapan orang. Obyek dari penelitian ini adalah sholat berjamaah serta peran guru dan sekolah dalam pembiasaan sholat berjamaah siswa kelas VIII di MTs N Galur Kulon Progo. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan observasi, interview (wawancara), dan dokumentasi. Aktivitas dalam menganalisis data menggunakan model Miles dan Huberman yaitu: reduksi data, penyajian data, dan menyimpulkan data. Selain menggunakan model Miles dan Huberman, triangulasi juga digunakan untuk memperoleh data yang valid. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sholat berjamaah yang diterapkan di MTs N Galur adalah sholat dhuha berjamaah, sholat dhuhur, dan sholat Jum’at. Peran guru adalah sebagai pendidik, pengajar, pembimbing, pelatih, penasehat, model dan teladan, dan sebagai pembangkit pandangan. Adapun peran sekolah yaitu mendukung kegiatan ibadah karena telah tercantum dalam visi MTs N Galur, menyediakan musholla, memperbanyak tempat wudhu, menjadwal guru pendamping sholat dhuha, dan menjadwal petugas sholat dhuhur dan sholat Jum’at


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    Kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini bermitra dengan Perhimpunan Ergonomi Indonesia (PEI) berupa penyelenggaraan ergonomic nasional camp untuk asisten laboratorium Rekayasa Sistem Kerja dan Ergonomi (RSKE) pada prodi prodi Teknik Industri di Indonesia. Lokasi pengabdian masyarakat di kampus Teknik Industri Undip dan di Bandungan Semarang. Pada kegiatan ini, tim dosen lab RSKE Teknik Industri Undip memberikan materi pada kelas ergo camp dengan topik biomimicry. Para asisten lab RSKE memerlukan materi biomimicry untuk memecahkan masalah konsep desain produk dengan menggunakan inspirasi dari alam agar diperoleh solusi yang lebih robust dan sustainable. Perancangan dan pengembangan produk adalah salah satu kompetensi lulusan Teknik Industri terutama pada bidang minat ergonomi. Asisten juga diminta mempraktekan metode biomimicry desain spiral ini pada perancangan produk case study yang dilombakan. Penilaian hasil rancangan dilakukan oleh panitia independent dan diumumkan dalam acara puncak ergo camp disertai penyerahan hadiah. Hasil rancangan para peserta menunjukkan bahwa Pelatihan biomimicry class telah memberikan sebuah ketrampilan baru dalam perancangan produk. Penjelasan case studi yang diberikan adalah perancangan sarung tangan renang dengan menerapkan selaput kaki katak untuk meningkatkan kecepatan berenang. Perancangan tersebut telah menghasilkan produk yang  telah diuji dan hasilnya telah dipamerkan dalam pameran teknologi Kemenristekdikti pada Agustus 2019 di Denpasar
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